Photovoltaic Energy Conversion
Physical Review Applied is pleased to present a Collection on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, in recognition of the imminent need to harness solar free energy, and the key function that Applied Physics plays in that endeavor. Contributions to this collection will exist published throughout 2021 and into 2022. The invited articles, plus an editorial by Guest Editors Shanhui Fan and Zetian Mi, are linked in the Collection.
EDITORS' Proffer
Fast Readout and Reset of a Superconducting Qubit Coupled to a Resonator with an Intrinsic Purcell Filter
Quantum information processing requires qubits that tin can retain their energy for a long time, and one also needs to be able to rapidly manipulate and measure the qubits. The authors employ the spatial extent of a microwave resonator to meet both of these requirements. They protect a superconducting qubit from energy decay by simply shifting the position of the coupling port in a conventional device. This written report demonstrates a simple technique that enables fast readout and reset of a superconducting qubit without compromising its lifetime. The technique could immediately be incorporated into the blueprint of a superconducting quantum computer.
Y. Sunada et al.
Phys. Rev. Practical 17, 044016 (2022)
Free energy-Harvesting Gyre for Circularly Polarized Fields in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The authors innovate a setup for energy harvesting in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners that efficiently converts circularly polarized radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. Such an approach allows doubling of operation, compared to traditional harvesting coils that convert linearly polarized field components. The setup tin exist used as a wireless ability supply for pieces of additional equipment used within MRI scanners. Chiefly, a series of experiments with two normally used MRI scanners demonstrates that the proposed gyre does not degrade the quality of MRI images.
Pavel S. Seregin et al.
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 044014 (2022)
Degenerate Parametric Amplification via Three-Wave Mixing Using Kinetic Inductance
Microwave parametric amplifiers operating at the quantum noise limit have get indispensable tools for a range of cryogenic quantum technologies. These amplifiers are typically constructed from nonlinear Josephson junctions, which limit the ability to amplify high-power signals. This report reports a device based instead on the weakly nonlinear kinetic inductance intrinsic to a superconducting film of niobium titanium nitride. The amplifier offers big phase-sensitive proceeds and high ability handling, plus a simple design and fabrication process. As it contains no junctions, it is robust to electrostatic belch and potentially operable under high temperatures and large magnetic fields.
Daniel J. Parker et al.
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034064 (2022)
Alphabetic character
Intrinsic Mobility of Low-Density Electrons in Photoexcited Diamond
The cyclotron-resonance method reveals the drift mobility of carriers in semiconductors, which determines a device'south (opto)electronic functionality. However, determining the intrinsic mobility value without interference from other carriers, dislocations, impurities, etc. remains challenging. By minimizing the density of photoexcited carriers in ultrapure diamond, the authors notice an extraordinarily narrow cyclotron-resonance curve for electrons in diamond at 3 K. In this manner they obtain a corrected mobility value of ten cm V s, a 16-fold increase compared to the previous record value for diamond.
K. Konishi et al.
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, L031001 (2022)
Atomistic Ship Modeling, Design Principles, and Empirical Rules for Depression-Racket III-Five Digital-Alloy Avalanche Photodiodes
A series of alloy-based avalanche photodiodes are recently seen to demonstrate superior performance such as depression backlog noise, but the origin of such behavior is not completely understood. The authors use atomistic modeling of the material and send backdrop to deconstruct the underlying physical mechanisms, which are attributed to a combination of engineered minigaps, increased effective mass, and spin-orbit coupling. These attributes selectively limit the ionization rate of one carrier blazon, and are simplified here into a set of inequalities that could potentially be useful for the design of future high-performance avalanche photodiodes.
Sheikh Z. Ahmed et al.
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034044 (2022)
EDITORS' Proffer
Dynamic Measure of Hyperuniformity and Nonhyperuniformity in Heterogeneous Media via the Improvidence Spreadability
Rock on! Understanding time-dependent diffusion processes in circuitous heterogeneous media is of dandy importance in physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, geophysics, and petroleum engineering. Here the authors farther study the recently discussed , by calculating it for a multifariousness of 2- and three-dimensional model structures that span the nonhyperuniform and hyperuniform classes. The lessons learned are used to ascertain crucial structural characteristics of a Fontainebleau sandstone. Spreadability is a powerful, dynamics-based figure of merit for probing real microstructures across length scales and enabling materials design.
Haina Wang and Salvatore Torquato
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034022 (2022)
EDITORS' Suggestion
On-Chip Coherent Transduction between Magnons and Audio-visual Phonons in Cavity Magnomechanics
Coherent command of commonage spin excitations (magnons) with acoustic phonons is a key engineering science for futurity hybrid spintronic devices, thanks to the brusk wavelengths and depression radiation loss involved. Withal, a tiny coupling efficiency limits the controllability and functionality of devices. The authors develop a planar cavity-magnomechanical system and show coherent magnon-phonon transduction with a cooperativity exceeding unity. This approach paves the way for the development of alternative magnomechanical technologies for both quantum and classical applications.
D. Hatanaka et al.
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034024 (2022)
Belittling Criteria for Designing Multiresonance Filters in Scattering Systems, with Awarding to Microwave Metasurfaces
Designing filter devices with precisely desired transmission spectra is of utmost importance in wave physics. For sharp spectra (such equally elliptic filters with transmission zeros), animal-force methods to directly optimize the spectrum face up severe numerical challenges, while circuit models and coupled-mode theory employ only in sure limits. The authors provide a set of universal analytical criteria based on quasinormal-mode theory (QNMT) for designing ii-port systems, and apply the method to a variety of microwave metasurface filters configured for polarization-preserving transmission, cogitating polarization conversion, or diffractive anomalous reflection.
Mohammed Benzaouia, John D. Joannopoulos, Steven One thousand. Johnson, and Aristeidis Karalis
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034018 (2022)
EDITORS' Proffer
Quasi-Steady-Country Measurement of Exciton Diffusion Lengths in Organic Semiconductors
Understanding exciton improvidence in organic solar cells is crucial to agreement the recent rise in power-conversion efficiencies afforded by using non-fullerene acceptor molecules (NFAs). This study introduces a technique chosen pulsed-PLQY for measuring exciton diffusion lengths in organic semiconductors. Compared to existing techniques, pulsed-PLQY is faster, easier, requires less specialized equipment, and is less sensitive to experimental conditions. Using this method, the authors find that mod non-fullerene acceptor semiconductors exhibit longer diffusion lengths than their fullerene forerunners, and that this increase is driven by increases in diffusivity.
Drew B. Riley et al.
Phys. Rev. Practical 17, 024076 (2022)
EDITORS' Proffer
Fast Bayesian Tomography of a Two-Qubit Gate Set in Silicon
Complete characterization of the errors that occur in using sets of logic gates is critical to developing the technology of fault-tolerant breakthrough computing, but electric current tomography methods are either tedious or include unchecked assumptions. This study presents a cocky-consistent method for process tomography that is both fast and flexible. The technique complements the wide suite of existing characterization tools, and may potentially allow for pulse optimization to further increase gate fidelities.
T.J. Evans et al.
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 024068 (2022)
Editorial: Promoting Inclusive and Respectful Communications
November 18, 2020
APS Editor in Chief, Michael Thoennessen, discusses a new opportunity for communicating authors to include their pronouns together with their contact email in order to promote a more than respectful, inclusive, and equitable environment.
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At present Online: Get-go Published Articles from PRX Energy
April 7, 2022
APS is delighted to innovate the get-go published articles from PRX Free energy, a fully open up access and highly selective journal for the multidisciplinary energy science and technology research communities.
APS Announces Outstanding Referees for 2022
March ane, 2022
Physical Review C Appoints Joseph Kapusta as Atomic number 82 Editor
January nineteen, 2022
APS has appointed Professor Joseph Kapusta, Schoolhouse of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota as the Lead Editor of Physical Review C. Professor Kapusta takes the helm following the journal'southward previous Lead Editor Benjamin F. Gibson.
Physical Review Journals Denote Inclusive Name Change Policy
September 17, 2021
The American Physical Society (APS) today released the details of its name change policy for the Physical Review journals. The policy is intended to make the world's leading physics journals more inclusive and ensure authors retain buying of prior work published under a unlike name.
Introducing PRX Energy
June 2, 2021
Opening for submissions after this twelvemonth, PRX Energy is a new, highly selective open access periodical from APS that will communicate and facilitate important advances in free energy science and technology for the benefit of humanity. Article publication charges (APCs) volition be waived for a limited time.
More than Announcements
Photovoltaic Free energy Conversion
APS-Max Planck Gesellschaft Pilot Transformative Agreement
2020 Periodical Commendation Reports
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