Triathlon Start Funny Run All the Way Into Water
Following is our collection of funny Triathlon jokes. There are some triathlon bicycle jokes no one knows (to tell your friends) and to make you laugh out loud.
Take your time to read those puns and riddles where you ask a question with answers, or where the setup is the punchline. We hope you will find these triathlon krab puns funny enough to tell and make people laugh.
yes, sharks can outswim you.
but you can outrun sharks. so far in a triathlon you're square. all comes down to who's the faster cyclist.
Hippos can run faster than humans on land, and swim faster than humans in water.
Which means the bicycle is your only chance of beating a hippo in a triathlon.
A shark can swim faster than I can...
But I can definitely run faster than a shark.
So really, in a triathlon, it would come down to who is the better cyclist.

A shark could swim faster than me, but I could probably run faster than a shark.
So in a triathlon, it would all come down to who is a better cyclist!
It's a black guy that invented the triathlon.....
He ran to the pool and came back with a bike
I can't wait for the next Quantum Physicist triathlon.
I'm going to stand beside the bikes and yell out their speeds. They'll get so lost they'll end back at the starting line.
How to best a hippo
A Hippopotamus can outrun you on land, and swim faster than you in the water - so the bicycle is your only chance to beat him in a triathlon.

Why's it so hard to find marathon and triathlon reviews in Germany?
Well, you know what happened last time they picked a race...
Lee was born without legs, but he was incredibly determined to finish the triathlon.
Slow Lee but sure Lee.
You know how to do gypsy triathlon?
You walk to the pool, don't swim, and then ride home on a brand new bike.
Sea lions can run and swim faster than humans
Which means when you compete against one in a triathlon you really need to make up time on the cycling.
You can explore triathlon olympic reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean triathlon footrace dad jokes. There are also triathlon puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.
Did you know the triathlon was invented by a gypsy
He walked to the swimming pool and rode a bike home
Who invented triathlon?
The gypsies. They went to the beach on foot, took a swim and went home on bikes.
Who invented the triathlon?
Black people.
They go to the pool on foot, swim and come back with a bike.
What's a Mexican Triathlon?
When a mexican goes to the local public pool and bikes back afterwards.
Hippo is faster than human both on land and in water.
So the only chance to beat it in triathlon is bicycle.

Sea lions are faster than humans on both land and sea,
so if you face one in a triathlon, you really need to make up time on the cycling.
Mayas well chip in my German joke.
Did you hear about the Polish triathlon?
You walk to the swimming pool and cycle home.
Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. Many of the triathlon unicycle jokes and puns are jokes supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. When jokes go too far, are mean or racist, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become bullying and inappropriate.
We suggest to use only working triathlon swim piadas for adults and blagues for friends. Some of the dirty witze and dark jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. Try to remember funny jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and will make you laugh.
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